Sunday, February 21, 2010

If today was a fairytale

This weekend was FUN.
I met Alicia and Sharonrose(yes that is how her name is spelled) at NTUC and Alicia bought some sweets. Ticktacks I believe..
Then we had Cell!
For once, we didn't have a claustrophobic cell room!
The cell room was HUGE!!
Anyway, had fun at cell!
I love my cell people. Hehe!
Then we went for kinda dinner.
We had 10 mins to eat, so we didnt exactly eat.
Then we had SERVICE!
Before SERVICE, my church friends came up to me and hugged me because i told them before that i was depressed over GB and red cross, and they hugged me tightly.
*cute awws*
Anyway, then service started.
It was so funny!
This African American guy from San Fransisco(is that how you spell it?) came to preach.
His sermon was so funny!
I was laughing till I was almost in tears.
The altar call was great too.
THEN, I had dinner with Alicia and Eva.
While i was kindly buying chicken chop for them(grilled, not fried),
they were looking through my phone and apparently, it is not appropriate to have a picture of yourself as your phone's wallpaper.
So they KINDLY decided to take a photo(Alicia, Eva and Jacquelyn) and put it as their wallpaper.
I dont think I am allowed to change the wallpaper.
But the picture is cute! :D
I love my cell.
Sunday AKA Today!
I woke up at 8.30am for who knows why reasons.
I fell asleep, woke up, fell asleep again until about 9.30.
Then i watched Golf with my dad(yeah thats right!) and then i changed and got ready to meet Rebecca at Clementi.
My dad sent us to Vivocity(THANK YOU DAD)!
Then Ya Min came, then we bought the tickets.
We had lunch at SUPERDOG!
And Ya Min kept telling me that cows cry before they get slaugtered and become beef.
Cause apparently, chilli cheese fries contain beef!
We shared sad animal stories then went up to GV to buy snacks for the movie.
We bought this monster truckload of popcorn and this other monster sized drink.
We were early for the movie, so we then proceeded to start throwing popcorn at each other?
Like first it was trying to enter each other's mouths, then we just went on to throwing at each other.
Ahhh, fun times.
Then the movie started.
Valentine's Day was weird.
There WAS a Gay Couple Alicia!
And there were complicated stories and it was just strange.
Taylor Swift was really really good though!
A 5,6,7,8!
I like the ending though.
It was bittersweet.
Ohohohoh i especially liked it when Jennifer Garner hit the pinata like crazy, and the indian couple were afraid and the husband put his arms round the head of his bride! Hilarious.
It was a TWO hour movie!
After that, we came out of the theatre feeling abit disorientated.
We went to Starbucks to get some stuff for Ya Min's sister.
It smelled like, Coffeeeee.
Then we took bus 166 from Vivo to Clementi MRT station.
It amazingly goes to Fairfield.
Anyway, i took an MRT back to Jurong and here I am.

Test week is next week.
We have math test on tuesday, home econs and chinese on wednesday and a science test on Thurday.
A lot right?
*stress stress stress*
I am mostly worried for Home Econs and Science.
I'm afraid.
I have to do my geography homework.
Some worksheet, just that I dont know HOW TO.
Its so confusing!
People usually say that Sec 1 is the most relaxed time, can play the most.
I dont really think so.
I guess I am just not used to Secondary School yet I guess.
I need to go do Geography worksheet now.
Learning on the different forests is weird.
I don't know what is going on 60% of the time!
And I got a 9/10 for the geog test
I may have spelled Antarctica wrongly, so i lost that 1 mark.
I'm excited for math though.
I love prime numbers.

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