Monday, February 22, 2010

Got the monday blues!

Hi! (:
Today was okay, not so good, not so bad.
Tomorrow I have a math test.
YAY I love math.
Prime numbers.. Hmm.
i've understood everything the teacher said SO FAR, so i think i am good.
Actually, today's lessons were DRY.
Very dry.
After school, i went to look for Crystal, found her at the canteen.
Decided to stay back with her to do our science project.
OH, before that, we had a very odd Fairsian Connect.
Very odd..
Oh and while queueing up to buy rice, i saw Angela, my sort of class counsilor.
She walks up and down the aisle with Constance every morning.
She is nice, strange and pimple conscious, but nice. :)
I saw her again while queueing up for drinks.
And she calls herself a counsilor.
*mumbles under breath*
Angela : *taps me on the shoulder and smiles innocently* Hi Gracia!
Me : Hi.. Why are you standing here?
Angela: Can I stand behind you?
Me: Uh, okay.
Angela: Don't tell Constance okay? I am going to pass my investiger and become a councilor, THEN I WILL BOOK YOU FOR TOUCHING MY FACE.
But for now, i am going to break the rules, until i get my tie. :D
Me : *blinks in disbelief* Okay..
She is one strange kid.
Anyway, had lunch then we went to the library.
H1N1 projects are extremely stressful!
We spent about 2 hours doing 3 questions, super tiring!!
Oh and the Secondary 2 boys were playing around, cursing vulgar words and going on (wait for it..)
How lame is that?!
I stopped using that in like, P2!!
Who actually still uses that?!
And they search the stupidest people.
It makes me ashamed to say that they are older than me!
And they curse very loud like sailors, its disgusting.
Do they NOT have ANY sense of class or social courtesy at ALL?!
Anyway, then Crystal and I met up with her sister, Jessica.
We then took 198 home.
I talked to Jessica about being a Counsilor(she is currently on Probation!)
Since no one actually reads my blog, i am proud to say,
I want to be a counsilor!
But, you need 5 friends to like 'vote' for you.
I don't consider myself popular or anything, so I have no idea.
I mean, i have no idea who would VOTE for me.
Really, I dont consider myself popular or anything.
Never was, probably never will be.
*shrugs shoulders*
I never was a prefect, I never got enough votes from my Primary School friends.
See what I mean?

I just counted 9 months back from my birthday(1st October)
Interesting huh?
Kind of gross, but interesting!

OHOH and i finally got a new decent book that doesnt contain the f word or R rated scenes or anything.
Its called "Born on a blue day"
Its a true story about this guy, he has a rare condition, only less than 1% of the world's population has it.
He can do fantastically complicated math problems in seconds, and its AMAZING!
Its so cool.
And its true story!
Way better than The Time Traveller's Wife *coughcough*

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