Friday, February 19, 2010

Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere

Reader of my blog which I doubt anyone actually does but yeah.
Today was, alright.
School was fine, the english test was EASY!
I'm so excited to get back my ORCA book reports, and my English Compo test
Which by the way, we wrote who knows how many weeks ago. *shifty eyes*
Anyway, we had MASS RUN today!
Mr ng, oh mr ng, why do you torture us with THREE rounds?
By the first round, Ya Min and I were already dead and she said in between pants
I shall Ya Min, I shall.

You pant heavily.
Your lungs are burning.
Every part of your body is burning.
Just screaming inside of you to stop.
You ignore the burning sensation on your legs.
You can feel the pain inside, growing, kicking you, just dying to be stopped.
You want to scream, let out all the pain.
Oh my gosh, you mouth to yourself.
Mass Run, oh Mass Run, the bane of my existence.

That wasn't good. :/
Wait, it wasn't good at all.

Speaking of Ya Min, I am going to watch Valentine's Day with her and Rebecca on Sunday!
Our first outing !
And we are going Vivo!
Just so Ya Min can try Superdog.
Mmmm, superdog.
*mouth waters*

Anyway, i had Red Cross today.
Safe to say, it sucked.
We did our Health Law today.
I had to learn the 12 Health Laws.
Wanna hear it?
1. Bathe everyday and wash your hands before and after meals and after visiting the toilet.
2. Brush your teeth every morning and night and rinse your mouth after each meal.
3. Regulary visit the Lavatory(the bathroom)
4. Have an upright posture when sitting or standing.
5. Our body needs fresh air and sunlight(SHOCKER!)
6. Exercise regulary for health and mantainence of an ideal weight.
7. Use hankerchief or tissue paper to cover nose or mouth when coughing or sneezing.
8. Do not spit(Wow..)
9. Have a balanced and varied diet for healthy growth.
10. Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.
11. Have at least 8-10 hours of sleep and rest everyday.
12. Wear clean clothes and use clean personal articles.

And accompanying that, we had to DESIGN a poster on one of the Health Laws.
Then we get our Health Law badge
Strange huh?!
And they made us run 2 rounds around the school, up and down the staircases.
It sucked.
A lot.
And GB got released at 5.30.
And us?! 6.30!
I reached home at 7.15 and safe to say, I collapsed on my bed and slept till 9.45.

Anyway, I realise, you know in Secondary School.
You are like 'required'(sort of) to wear low socks and to wear All Star school shoes?
I think its a bit, retarded?
I don't even understand WHY people want to wear low socks.
Like, they fold their socks, the front part.
They fold it till the socks are lower than their ankle.
Wayyyy lower.
Then they put on their All Star shoes.
I find ankle socks VERYVERY uncomfortable!
And its very awkward.
Your ankles feel so -EXPOSED-
And I don't understand why other girls wear their skirts so SHORT!
Do they WANT to look cheap? (I know this is literal, but still)
Top it off with the ankle socks and everything, its just a bit, eeek.
When I walk on the fourth floor or the third floor after Home Econs, or Art, or Music,
You always see these types of people.
Usually I walk extra fast.
They scare me. :/
And their HAIR.
Their hair is like, flying everywhere?
With like fillers, like cockroaches!
Is it so hard to just COMB IT ALL THE WAY UP?
Like I do?
Its neater, and you don't have flying ninja hair all the time.
I don't even see whats so appealing about long fringes.
Its so, odd!
It just leaves your forehead oily and gives you ZITS.
I just don't get it.
Can someone kindly enlighten me?

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