Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy day!

Hi there!
Today is a HAPPY DAY!
Actually, not really.
Well, lets see the good points and bad points of today.
School ended at 1!
I didn't get killed by Ms Chong for not filing.
I managed to file my file properly!
Today theres no homework!
Today there was 5 periods of Home Econs THEORY!
It was sooooooooo boring.
Theres a home econs test. :(
Well, there are more good points than bad points so i guess today IS a happy day! :D

Ya know, thanks to Allinda, my Orientation shirt is SERIOUSLY OVERSIZED!!
I am wearing it now, and it covers my pants!
Crazy huh?!
but its comfy! :DD

I have to finish my ORCA Assignment today.
It is part of my OMA.
In case you dont know what OMA means, it stands for OTHER MODES OF ASSESMENT!
Ooops, does assesment have 2 's's?
Who knows..
Anyway, thanks to Constance for lending me Perfect Match.
I think i am annoying her.
She seemed super annoyed when i approached her just now.
Oh no..
BUT! An encouraging saying from Ya Min
"Even if the whole world hates you, I'll still be YOUR friend."
*cue major AWW*
Ya min really is a good friend! *sniffsniff*
OHOH and on Sunday we(Rebecca, Ya Min and I) are gonna watch Valentine's Day!
YAY! Can't wait.
Even though its TEST week next week!
I have an english test tomorrow..
A zuo wen test/home econs test on wednesday.
and a science test on thursday!!
I'm not sure about Math though.
but so far, i am getting Math.
Prime Numbers are easy! (so far)

Yawn yawn, i want to sleep now.
I barely got any sleep last night.
couldnt sleep at ALL!
This morning was so hard, trying to keep my eyes open. :(
I'm going to briefly read through Perfect Match now, go do my ORCA assignment!
Sorry Constance, if i annoyed you or anything.

Lord I'm amazed by you, how you love me

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