Saturday, December 3, 2011

i am a night owl hear me make sounds owls do

LOL JK I sleep at 11 every night.
Since school holidays have started, I seem to be sleeping earlier and earlier!
That's a good thing.. right?

Short post seeing it's getting late and I'm getting tired.
It's either I'm growing OLDDD or I just love sleep.
Hope it's the latter!

On a side note, it's totally creepy when teachers get married and they actually have lives together with children etc.
It's strange. -shudders-

New life goal- to finish a game of monopoly!
Realised today I have never finished a full game before.
Just gave up when i got bored.
So life goal, finish monopoly!

It's getting late, bye reader!

psst: Hi claire.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

do the hokey pokey


You know that bad feeling you get when you realise you might have just ruined someone whom you admire a lot's respect in you? Yeah I'm experiencing that right now. I feel like I've just lost his respect in me by acting totally out of context and acting like an immature brat who didn't get what she wanted. Sighhhh.

I kind of miss Claire. She doesnt reply texts prolly cause she's busy with camp but i do miss talking to her. Claire I miss you!

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

it won't be much longer, until I become a pretty wallflower

Ah. I wish we had winter in Singapore.

3 consecutive camps this week!
Pray I won't die.

Today I wore different socks on each foot and I felt so badass cause no one knew about them but me. :]

Thursday, November 17, 2011

they keep me thinking that we almost had it all

Something that I have discovered as I continue living life..
We make friends, get really close to them and they know all your secrets and then, they leave.
Or rather, you guys grow apart.
What happens to all the secrets, the memories and everything?
All that's left is awkward conversations when you guys try to rekindle the friendship.
Isn't it sad?
Up to now, I have not met a friend who knows my deepest darkest secrets and has stayed with me till the end.
Or maybe I'm just someone who distances themselves from people once I feel I've gotten too close.
Isn't it iroinic?
How i yearn for someone who stays with me yet I push people away.
Life is strange.
We are strange.
Strange is we.
Strange is life.

On a side note, today I slothed at home and watched The Pupil and then proceeded to have dinner with my mother at Clementi Mall. This lovely chinese restaurant that had lovely chicken rice. It was really the loveliest chicken rice ever. *Moans in satisfaction* I enjoy spending time with my Mother. She makes me feel loved and cared for. If only she learnt to be more affectionate.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

happiness hit her like a bullet in the brain

Hello dear reader. I'm currently very late for school. Like, "oh crap I was supposed to leave the house at this time but i just woke up!" kind of thing. Anyway, I'm on my way to school now, for this p5 camp that I'm facilitating. I'm not very prepared to be all hyper and loud for this camp, I'm too exhausted to be hyped up. Maybe sleeping at 1 was a bad idea.. I'm pretty sure one or both of my eyes is/are bloodshot. 

So yesterday, I gave another person my blog link (which I think is lovely). I feel that with every new person knowing about this, I feel more and more, bare/ naked? I don't really know how people can talk freely about their problems on the net and be fine with leaving it out there for anyone to see. I feel like once they've uncovered your secrets, they look at you differently and probably even judge you! (That's what I do anyway, I'm quite guilty of that) Doesn't that give you that naked and bare feeling? No 'clothing' as a safe and warm haven to cling on to for safety? Or maybe its just me.

As usual, Im very concerned about safety. Literally and figuratively. I feel that because I've befriended certain people, more people like me now? That's a plus i guess. I've made much more new friends now as compared to the start of the year (yay?) I would say that I feel more comfortable in council now, cause Jamie, Rachael Anisa Magdalene and I are pretty coooool. But Jamie and rachael are really pretty, popular and cool! I feel very intimidated around them cause they have all these equally as popular and cool AND pretty friends! I've never thought of myself as popular, neither have I ever considered I would be popular. I guess awkward people like me are confined to their own social circle and don't get millions of likes on their profile pics or hundreds of followers on twitter. But I don't really mind :]

The bus is moving exceptionally fast today! I'm not going to be late! HUZZAH. :D

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crayons can fall on us for all I care

Actually I do mind! Washing off the crayons will be dreadful.

Anyway! It's the holidays now. Hardly a holiday, considering I have to come to school a lot of the time. Streaming results are also out(double). Are you pleased, July Gracia? I'm quite pleased, November Gracia is pleased. If there is one thing I have learnt through this EOY period leading up to streaming, its that grades don't define you at all. This highly contradicts my precious couple of posts but i really have learnt this! Thus, I am pleased with whatever results I have. You must be thinking, "gosh what happened to Gracia?!". Yes, a lot of things have happened and its made me realise much more things than before.

Anyway, its 1:06am so pardon any spelling mistakes. I'll continue this in the morning. My eyelids are closing and i hate touch screen phone keyboards. Gr.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sunday morning rain is falling

Okay, so it isn't really a Sunday, nor is it Morning.. -awkward-
Anyway, just some random updates in case you cared or anything.
1) FDC
It's coming in *checks watch* 4 days! Gosh. I'm REALLY worried. I mean, I've been told that I have to have this mindset that we WILL and MUST win. Erm.. pressure much? I HOPE to win? And i want to win? Yeah. Really worried right now.
2) Grades
So I'm doing pretty crappy so far in terms of grades due to *points to point 1* sigh.
Really need to do much better if I ever wanna get into triple science stream. :/ After fdc, HARD CORE MUGGING HERE I COME! I can do it! Now that I have a mindset that i WILL and MUST get into triple.

Anyway my life has been revolving around those 2 things.
I'll post again when more things start happening! :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dancing in the moonlight

Hello! ( :
Today was a really good day.
I wore a dress out to a family gathering at the Fullerton Hotel(This really fancy hotel in case you didn't know) and I felt.. pretty.
I think for the first time today, I walked with confidence and felt that I looked.. good.
My hair was nice and i looked nice in my dress(or at least I think i did) and i felt.. pretty!My cousin's friend Desiree who is 25 said when I was walking, I didn't hunch today.
Which is a HUGE thing cause I always hunch when I walk.
It makes me happy to not feel insecure/ugly for once. ( :

Listening to Adele now.
"Someone like you" ( and "Rolling in the deep" ( are really good songs.
Makes you really just stop whatever you are doing and just listen.

Anyway, school NDP tomorrow.
First time I'm spending an hour on my badges for my uniform
Plan on polishing boots till SUPER shiny!
I'm kinda excited!
Okay I'm REALLY excited!
Hope tomorrow will go well and I won't faint! *crosses fingers*

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You make me twirl, like a circus girl

Hello. I'm currently on the bus home. The air con is blowing and I'm comfortably eavesdropping to the conversation of these two guys complaining about their lives in Singlish. Though they speak in extremely bad English, they make a lot of sense. Kudos to you two Poly students pondering on their future.

Anyway, Chinese test today was pretty okay. Though I wish I had written more. But I don't know if what Mr Kwa says in Lit applies to Chinese. Writing more does not equal to more marks. :/ I'm pretty pleased with my points though, I think they are not common. Heh.
Tomorrow is History's turn. I'm pretty worried... I kinda have an idea of what's gonna come out though. Hmm.
Slept in English today. Kinda disappointed in myself cause English is my worst subject and I'm sleeping in it :/
Have more self discipline Gracia! ):<

We're finally talking again.. But that was after I started the convo.
I don't understand why you never wanna start the convo.. Am I boring?! :/

Stop's here! Bye reader.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Goodbye July, hello august

Happy August reader! I've been trying to find a nice August picture and I've gone through so many August pictures that the word is starting to look weird! AUGUST! Hahaha(:

Its August... In less than a month it'll be FD Com!
I'm not really scared or excited, I'm kind of neutral.
I'm sitting on the fence, though my butt hurts up there.

This post will be kinda short as I have things to do.. like study for chinese!
English today was okay.
I just wrote whatever I felt like writing..
Hopefully I'll get sympathy marks or something! :(
Wish me luck for Chinese tmr! :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

She's never gonna love you like I want to

"If a double decker crashes into us
to die by your side
is such a heavenly way to die"

So, instead of studying for History, I've decided to reformat my blog and I'm really satisfied with how it turned out! (: Happygirl97

Catching teardrops with my hand

Hello. I'm currently walking to the library to meet Keziah. Thank God that I have 3G if not I'll look like a loner.
Little known fact about me: I seek security. Not like, physical security like having a bodyguard around though.
Security in the form of company? I'm not sure how to phrase it.. But it's kinda like I need friends around to feel safe?
When I'm alone I kind of feel vulnerable. Do you understand what I mean reader? :/

Anyway, enough of insecurities. Sooooo.. Yesterday was the NDP preview.
We had city march for the first time and at the end of our city march there was a brilliant fireworks display!
Gosh it was so beautiful that I couldn't concentrate on marching. I don't think anyone could..
Haha then we said the pledge together and sang the slow version of the national anthem. And while we were singing, there were fireworks in the background and gosh it was so picturesque.
Sounds cheeeeesy and patriotic, but it did make me feel proud to be a Singaporean. :O
I don't know how they manage to do it, but it worked.
Darn they are good.
Next week is the reception and after that is NDP and it'll be all over. ):
I think we've come a long way from the first training at Née Soon Camp.
From being TOTALLY clueless to knowing every part of the parade segment, even some of the commands, I think NDP has been a great journey.
Meeting great friends and not so great friends(bleh), I'm gonna miss everyone. ):

Alright. I'm done with my patriotic and sappy mood.
3 tests next week. Consecutively.. Not cool man not cool.
Not really prepared.. Most worried for English):
After failing the last test.. I'm really nervous. ;/

Keziah is here! I'll blog later(:

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Semi-almost perfect day(:

Apologies for not blogging for like.. 5 days. Been pretty busy. And I mean it!

Lets see what I have missed.. Well, NDP NE show 3 was on Saturday.
Mum went, she said it was good. But I wouldn't know, I was in the reserve. Yupp! My FIRST TIME IN THE RESERVE :O
But it was pretty interesting actually.. The reserves got to eat the Old Chang Kee and drink the Milo from the Milo truck while the main contingent didnt. And we ate the extra free ice cream from dinner. Like, we finished the whole box :O Being in the reserve aint that bad :)
NDP Preview is on Saturday and before you know it.. It's 9th August!
I'm pretty nervous to march. I mean, what if I fumble and drop my flag? Hopefully that won't happen. *fingers crossed*
Kinda glad that NDP is over, I'll have my Saturdays back. Then again kinda sad.. Won't see my NDP pals anymore. And when we do it's prolly just gonna be really awkward. And if we ever hold outings like BBQs, only people like Lu Shi, Jia min and Brian will show up. Bleh.

Today was a relatively good day. :) Ended school on a high note cause we missed 3 periods due to this MOE survery. :) And I made it in time for the McValue meal! Except they gave me 3 drumlets and only 1 wing. That really tooted me off but I ate some cupcakes and now I'm much better. Hahaha and I've only got one homework today! An English Complaint Letter. Yay. I love writing. Today's pretty good. And my hair was really cooperative today! My bangs were nicely straight. Heheh *big smile* Usually it's a big mess and I just get really flustered and I just leave it all messed up but today it was nicely straight! Heheheh :D I've never felt more girly.

Really loving my new HTC phone. It's REALLY awesome. Downside is the battery. But other than that it's lovely! Ahhh I love it I wanna hug it but i don't wanna drop it. Meh. Keziah bets that I'll drop it soon but Imma prove her wrong!

Until I drop it... :/

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hello there, the angel from my nightmare

Hello. Currently typing this from my mum's new IPad. I find It extremely redundant though... Kinda useless to me... Hmm

Anyway, today was a pretty satisfactory day. I got an A for DNT, though a low A(72%), I'm still contented. Thankfully the test was mostly written but I got full marks for the drawing part as well! Mwahaha to the people who said I couldn't draw(my sec1 art teacher), in your face! *shoves paper into her face* I do miss my art teacher, Mdm Lim though. She was kind enough to help me though I was useless in art D: thankfully art is over and all I have to deal with now is DNT! *wipes sweat off forehead*

I'm really glad that tests are really over, until next Thursday, which is English formal letter test. Meh, I have no problems with writing, I guess it's the compre that kills me): I feel that I can relax now :) finally I can just go to sleep without worrying about upcoming tests. The happiness is short lived though, tests are coming in another 2 weeks. *sad face*

Another thing happening in 2 weeks... NDP! hehehe I'm quite excited to march and simply just get it over and done with so I can get my Saturday's back. I'll surely miss everyone(but Brian) though... Sigh. But I'm sure I'll see all of them at FD Com! Which will prolly be reallyyyyyy awkward :/

Oh and i got a new phone today! The HTC Sensation. Chanel ma'am introduced the phone to me and convinced me to get it. It's actually not that bad of a phone, minus The fact that I spent 1 hour figuring out how to charge it... When I did finally figure it out, the battery level was at 9%, oh boy I hope I didn't screw the battery up :/

I'm getting cramps typing so I'm gonna stop here. I apologize for the mundane post, my mum was reading as I typed most of this post :/

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Test results

Gah. The only thing I hate more than tests is the receiving of test papers. That panic moment when the teacher says that the class didn't do very well or that you yourself did badly. Gosh. Thats the worst feeling a student can get I guess. And that sweaty-palms-heart-racing moment when you overturn your test paper when its returned. GAH! I hate test results.

Anyway the moment had to come, and I have received almost all my test results. With the exception of Literature(gulp) and DNT(double gulp). The results were meh. Okay I guess. I've done better before, but I'm sorta satisfied. Satisfactory is never enough though. As I have learnt. You need to feel that sense of ego-ness and pride that you get when you know you are in the top 10 kinda thing. Its the only way you feel like you've actually accomplished something. Sometimes your definition of Good marks is someone else's definition of bad marks!

I once chatted with this Sec 4 who told me his personal grading system. Anything below 70 was an F9 and an A1 was 85 and above. I think I should adopt his system soon. It's practical.. I guess. I hate getting anything below 70. It just looks out of place. Meh. I think I aim too high and when I do not meet my expectations I crash and burn and just feel like crawling into a hole and dying.

Anyway, I realise that I'm a slacker. Man, I come home and tell myself I'm gonna do all this work and in the end, here I am at 10.50, with homework and research undone. Have I mentioned it's graded?! I feel so lazy and slack now. I should just slap myself and tell myself to wake up, like WAKE UP GRACIA ITS SEMESTER 2 AND ITS STREAMING! DO YOU WANNA GO INTO A BAD COURSE?!! Yeah. I wish someone would do that. (Reader, this does not mean I want you to slap me)

The thought of Streaming kinda scares me actually. I used to think "Oh I'm in 2F, everyone else is below me" and now I've come to realise that people CAN step all over you and rise above to the top if they want to! And they are! As charmaine would say, HOLY MAMA! Hahaha I need to get my priorities(i spelled it as prirorities at the start :O) straight! This is all talk but no action~ Theres this chinese cheng yu for this!! I learnt it in Sec 1! But i forgot! Gah I think this is why I am not doing very well for Chinese.

I wish I was smarter. I do believe that intelligence is somewhat linked to how well you do. I mean, hard work does play a big part I'm sure, but some people are just smarter! They get things faster and apply them quicker and stuff. You know what I mean? Wish I was one of those people.. ):

Anyway, the only thing to look forward to tomorrow is Council Duty. Punctuality is really fun! Specially when you close the back gate in people's faces and they have to walk all the way to the front gate and get booked. Heh heh heh. I know I sound sadistic. :P NOT looking forward to triple Chinese AND DNT periods. Gah hope I don't fall asleep during DNT! It's so dry and boring. I'm truly not a technical person and probably never will be.

Live long and prosper dear reader

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Life is a mystery

I haven't typed a post in a very long time I realise! Shall attempt to revive this blog. Anyway the only person who knows this blog exists is Leonard Sir. Leonard sir, if you are reading this, i expect you to keep these things to yourself :)

Anyway, in line with my blog post title, this post is gonna be about Life. Or at least, Life so far. I truly miss my childhood. Gosh, before I get all sappy, I do not mean something like "I miss Primary School, where the hardest decision was which eraser to choose". Thats bullcrap. Cause everyone knows Primary School was full of cliques and being left out and all that nonsense. And my Childhood was less than ideal as well. Well, I miss the times where I could sleep late and not care about the next day, where I could wake up to my mum stroking my hair. I think the stroking hair bit is my fondest childhood memory. I wish I could go back to that. I don't even mind going back to CHIJ, though it was a hellish rollercoaster ride.

To clarify, it's not like I detest Fairfield, I don't. In fact, I think its a wonderful school with amazing people. But as we grow up, we realise that life can't be that simple and things get complicated. Life gets more hectic and before you know it, you're caught in the whirlwind of assignments, projects, tests, competitions, trainings and everything inbetween. I feel like its a cycle, like a diamond chain that I can't break free from. I don't really know why I used diamond as an analogy but its the hardest thing on earth so yeah. I find little time for myself and when I do relax, I feel extremely guilty and I go back to studying.

Another thing I hate about growing up is competition. Gosh, theres so much competitiveness in the air that its suffocating. People in my class act like they don't care about tests and everything is just fun and games, but its all a facade. People really are competitive and I've found that As are just not good enough. I've always been contented with whatever I recieve for tests, as I know I've tried my best. Yet somehow, in an environment like this, nothing is ever good enough. For the difference between you and someone else who both got the same number of As can be anywhere from 10 to 40 positions in the level. Thats how competitive it is. I don't necessarily strive for the top, that'll be over ambitious. I know my boundaries but I do want to feel that sense of pride when I know that I'm above someone else. Sounds selfish and you're probably thinking "What a hypocrite, says she's contented but wants to be above everyone else". Yes, maybe I am a hypocrite, but I'm sure thats the mindset of many people as well. Maybe that's not the correct mindset to have, maybe I should strive for the top and not settle for anything less. But that'll turn me into a robot and I have no idea what I'm typing anymore. This is all a rush of words thats spilling from my brain.

Another thing I detest is pressure. Peer pressure grows as we grow older, its directly proportionate. Hahaha did you see my reference to math? I am turning into a true geek. I enjoy following rules. Rules give me a sense of security and stability. Like as long as I follow these set of rules, I'll be safe. Not that I'm a mindless soul who follows blindly, but I do enjoy following rules. Yet, peer pressure begs to differ. I mean, what's so bad about rules? They're there and theres really just nothing wrong with following them. Why do people purposely enjoy flouting the rules? I get the phrase "Rules are meant to be broken" But I don't necessarily agree with that statement. Maybe I AM turning into a mindless soul. Gosh.

Have I mentioned that I made it into the Student Council? I find it ridiculous, the expectations set by teachers just because you're a councillor. Please, just because we're in Student Council doesn't mean we're model students. We're learning as well. I also cannot stand it when teachers say "Oh you guys are 2F, I expect more discipline from you". Uhhh, why are you assuming that we are well behaved just because we are in the 2nd best class? Intelligence ╘ Discipline. You know what I mean? Kind of sick and tired of hearing that. Even the smartest people can be ill-disciplined. Not that my classmates are a bunch of hooligans that run around cursing profanity or anything, they're good people.

To sum this extremely long post up, I think Life IS a mystery, and we're unraveling it everyday. But at my current speed, I don't think I will discover the secrets of life anytime soon.

Stay safe dear reader, whoever you are.

Love, the mindless soul.

(I'm amazed, I typed this whole thing in 10 minutes. If only I could write this fast for Summary, maybe then I wouldn't be failing English)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

i hear you, in my dreams.

I haven't blogged in a while.
A whole wave of things have happened since I last blogged.
Got an A1 for that dreadful Home Econs project,
Got an A1 for History, which i pledged to get and achieved
I learnt to love red cross, yet learnt to loathe it at the same time.
I think I'm generally different from last year, where I was exploring life, trying to figure out who I was.
Sometimes, I wish I could go back to that time.
Sec 2 life is okay, it's pretty mundane so far.

I shall blog about my KL trip, how I felt about it.
On the car ride there, I thought a lot.
I don't see the point of going to KL every single year.
My mum finally cracked after 21 years and screamed at us, calling these trips a waste of her time.
I agreed with her, and cried silently in the car to my grandma's house, preparing to act happy about seeing my cousins.
Sometimes, life really sucks.
I feel like if i was born into another family, life would be so much more different
I would have a real set of loving parents, a household where there wasn't constant shouting, etc.
I shall stop for now, it's making me feel like crying, which would be bad.
I'll post more tomorrow.
First post of 2011.
Hopefully it's a good one.