Thursday, December 31, 2009



Thursday, December 24, 2009


Merrrrrryyy Christmas Eve! WOOHOO.
Um, heres my week in review.
the night before was SICK. couldnt sleep the whole night so i was wide awake when my mom told me i was posted to Presbyterian High School.
oh well.
then later, went out with Sheryl and Annemarie even though i was totally nauseous the whole time.
but then they were really sweet, they let me sit down every five minutes to let me rest. AWWW.
sheryl told me "you look like a mother" GRR.
and then we MRT-ed to Somerset.
Got lost(typicalll) and then we took turns asking random strangers where Orchard Cineleisure was. FUNNY. :P
then we finally reached there after much much walking.
then bought tickets to Princess and The Frog.
the movie was, meh.
i didnt really enjoy it as much as Anne and Sheryl.
after movie, (WHICH IS ON THE 9TH FLOOR) we tooked the lift down to take NEOPRINT.
we took TWICE! first one was just WEIRD.
second one was also, kinda weird. :P
but it was funny though. :P:P:P
then anne had to go home so we walked ALL the way back to Somerset MRT and MRT-ed back home. Anne to Toa Payo, Sheryl to Yio Chu Kang and me to JURONG.
woke up at 7.30 to go to PRESBYTERIAN HIGH!
It was great. :)
I'm in 1 Devotion apparently.
The school is kinda alright.
i bought the uniform but i chose the wrong size.
so im going to change it soon.
it was an ALRIGHT day.
ohohohoh went to school and collected PSLE cert
and surprisingly, I GOT A CHEQUE FOR $150!
for some good effort thingy.
HOORAH! im going to bank it in soon.
i was so happy. HEHE. :P
Thursday AKA today
woke up at like, 12.
it was greeeeeeeeeeeeeat!
soup was great, turkey was great, EVERYTHING WAS GREAT! woohoo.
spent the rest of the day playing computer.
and i woke my sister up 1 hour later than i was supposed to.
well, thats my day and i FINALLY BLOGGED!
sorry Abigail! dont hate me! :P



Saturday, December 12, 2009

heh, just a reminder.

hello there!
this is a short reminder that :




I'M SICK OF PEOPLE GOING "TAGGED! now tag my blog kay?"


and if you managed to read ALL that, i salute you. :D

PS: and if you dont bother to read my post and still "tag", your tag WILL be deleted. :DDDD

Friday, December 11, 2009

today was super awesome! :)
well, met Sheryl at AMK's Pepper lunch
then waited for Abigail to come (SHE WAS LATE!!)
then we sang our Pepper Lunch song to Abigail while eating our Pepper lunch. :D
finished eating at about 5?
then went to Popular and looked at books for awhile.
btw abigail, NOTHING IS WRONG WITH BEING A BOOKWORM ! i love books. :D t
hen we took MRT to orchard and attempted to get lost in ION.
but instead, we just started going around in circles.. HAHA. :D
then at the Apple Store, i saw this laptop which when you move it around, it shows on the bigger screen.
i wrote on the address bar something like " The thinnest and lightest MacBook EVAAAAA!!!! I'm helping you promote the MacBook BY THE WAYYYY." then on the google search engine, i wrote "loveeeeee, gracia, sheryl and abigail." hahahaaha!
then some lady with the sales assistant walked past and stared at the address bar then i freaked out and ran out of the store with Abigail and Sheryl while laughing manically. (if thats a word.. hmmm)
then walked around somemore and then decided to go to the Lido cinema since it was gettting late.
then, we walked out of ION and played with the water and went inside this HUMONGOUS christmas tree.
then saw this group of Caucasian people walk in, they were like in total awe. (we were too!)
BUT THEN, this girl, she was like "OHHHH CHRISTMAS TREE!" then she did this ballerina thing where you jump into the sky and try and do a split.
BUT SHE COULDNT DO IT!! she was like crazy or something.
then sheryl and i started laughing like crazy, then abigail soon joined in! :P
then walked over to Wisma to Borders to check out more books.
then realised it was late so we ran to Lido(i dont know why we were running..)
then bought our snacks. OMG. the popcorn bucket was SUPER big and the drink was equally SUPER big. and we also bought nachos. MMMM, NACHOOOOS. :D
then, we walked into the theatre and WOAH, the theatre looked more like a STADIUM than a theatre! and we were ALLLLL THE WAYYY AT THE BACKKKK.
but the movie was funny! EXTREMELY LAME, but funny. (we watched Planet 51 btw) then my dad sent sheryl and abby home. overall, it was a great day. full of laughter and jokes . IM GOING TO MISS YOU ABIGAIL AND SHERYL! <3

ohoh, this is a special dedication to my lestie. HI LESTIEEEEE!! see? you got a special dedication! <3 LOVE YOUU! (lestie moment!! :D)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

changed blogskin yo. ;)

*pokes title* yeapp.
changed blogskin! after Abigail forced me. :O
okay so what do you think?
deliberated with Leening for quite a while before i chose this one.
its WHITE. first of all.
its not about love
it actually makes sense.
so what do you think? :D

PS: LIBBY!! can we please change the password to our blogger?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

i see the best of me inside your eyes;

HEY! i havent updated in like FOREVER.
well, for PSLE results, i didnt do as well as i wanted to but im satisfied. :)
okay, i'll blog about what has happened this past week.
i woke up at 11?
then texted/called Juel about the sleepover.
then at about 1? i left the house and MRT-ed from Jurong East to Punggol
its like a killer. :O
then finally reached Meridian LRT at about 2.30pm.
met Juel at the LRT station and walked to her house.
ate really nice noodles for lunch while Juel just stared at me.
then we ate jelly and retreated to her room and just talked until 4.15
ohoh and she played guitar for me and i sang along. (who knew she liked Avril Lavigne?)
then at about 4.15, met hyperactive Natalie and walked to the Playground to meet Leening and her cousin.
we attempted to play basketball but instead decided to play Touch Monkey which i have never heard of until that day.
quite fun but Leening sabo-ed me and i was kinda pissed off(but im not anymore! :P got paybackkkk.)
then Natalie, Juel and I decided to go to this shop okay you cant really call it a shop, ITS A WINDOW! theres this maid that opens the window then you can buy ice pop/drinks/cup noodles from her! cool huh? i thought it was a real store!
after Natalie tried to ring the doorbell, (theres a doorbell! TO A WINDOW!) , the maid didnt open the window so we just sat down on the walk/pathway and talked about boys and stuff.
i got so desperate then i stepped on the sort of kinda ladder and started banging the window until i gave up.
i believe Natalie took a picture of me doing it ? =x
after failing, we went to the playground and juel and natalie and leening climbed this thingy that is hard to describle while i sat at this spinning thing alone at the side.
i wasnt exactly alone, i was observing them(like how sheryl observes people when she seems to be a loner, she is actually a pretty unique person. smartass.) and they sure are different from our school. wait, our former school. :)
then someone exclaimed "THE STORE IS OPEN!" or something like that then we ran to the window and "ordered"(can you call it ordering?!) alot of ice pops.
then we sat down under, no, next to the playground thingy and happily sucked our ice pops.
juel and i decided to buy more ice pops after finishing ours.
then they moved to the fitness corner and they talked about their school stuff which i could, in no way, relate to. :D
then, since Juel and i had to be back at her home before 6.30, left early with Natalie and we walked back.
we talked about NIGAHIGA and joked about Vanessa Hudgens and IM A CHINGSTAH. funny shit. :P
then when we reached home, juel turned on the com and we talked to SYAZAAAA and facebook-ed for a really short while then we ate dinner.
we ate dinner alone and i might have gorged the fish's eyeball and squished it.
it was really gross but totalllllyyyyy fun! :P:P
then i bathed first while juel played the com then when i was done, juel proceded to go bathe.
i talked to SYAZAAAA and showed her my AWESOME chicken little PJs and we happily talked. :) WE ARE NOW LESTIES! joke of the day, as what Juel calls it. :P
then we messed around with her webcam and posted the spastic photos on Facebook and we checked out (or as i like to call, STALKED) random people on Facebook and Juel dared me to type on this guy Jeffrey's wall saying "HI JEFFREY. YOU'RE TIGHT DAWGGG." and i actually did it! :P then on the comment box, i wrote "ANSWER ANSWER!" then juel and i started laughing like crazy. XD
then we chatted with Geno Justin- this random hot guy that Juel added and he didnt get any of our jokes.. :(
then he suddenly went offline and juel said she blames me. :P
then we did some other stuff on facebook that i cant really say. :P
then later, time really flies!, at like 11, we turned off the com and got ready to go to sleep.
juel and i carried the couch into her room in between random bursts of laughter. haha. :)
then( i use the word "then" ALOT.) at about 11.20, her dad asked us if we wanted to eat MAGGEE MEE. i swear, her family is the coolest family ever! which other family eats Maggee Mee at 11.30pm?! then i ate some chicken flavoured maggee mee and juel tried Lor mee for the first time. it tasted really vinegar-ish which is GREAT. :)
then after that, we decided to go to sleep but we ended up talking until 1.40am! i dont know how we did it, but we did it! :P:P
we kept singing random lines out of random songs RAWR RAWR OOLALA. :P:P
i woke up from my mom calling me at 9am and juel woke up at like 10?
then we talked and laughed and sang until about 11.30 then i went to bathe cause i had to meet my mom at 1 at DOVER.
i made the bed for Juel and i folded her comforter for her and i get one "Thanks" from juel. pfft!
then we ate Lunch. SPAGHETTI WITH BACONNNN. okay, i dont really like spaghetti but it was really good and the bacon was AWESOME! :)
then Juel walked me to the LRT station then i MRT-ed to meet my mom then went home.
haha, the sleepover was the funnest/bestest sleepover ever!
and juel told me i was the first person to sleepover at her house! awww.

and yesterday, (wednesday) i just slacked at home and played com/watched TV.
i have a feeling today is going to be exactly the same. XD

Friday, October 16, 2009

no one reads my blog

*pokes title* thats what i just realised.
well, im back to blogging!
PSLE is over.
English was easy
Math was uh screwed up.
Chinese was worse than Math
Science was pretty easy.

you know after PSLE, you think its gonna be so much fun.
because they always tell you, "lets do *insert interesting activity here* after PSLE! i have to study now!" but after PSLE, you realise that that isnt true!
i went out after the Science paper to AMK hub to watch (500) Days of Summer. very interesting movie.
then on tuesday, went to watch Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs at AMK hub AGAIN and then took neoprint AGAIN.
its getting super boring/lame.
i feel sick when anyone mentions AMK hub.
i know, im super weird.

now in school, we do nothing.
"house keeping" neans collecting forms/doing nothing.
"preparation for concert" means surfing youtube for fun/doing nothing again.
beat boxing class is quite fun.
the guy is cool! (:
we can use our handphones in class and no one cares!
i was so worried when mrs yeong came in and i was using my hp but she just breezed past me!
and, two week from now, we're going for excursions!
monday is Sentosa
tuesday is Botanic Gardens
and wednesday is Marina Barrage.
pretty cool.
im in the Nativity Play too.
I'm king bla some thing some thing that no one can pronounce.
pretty excited about that!

next week, the whole week no school!
and contrary to what everyone says, its not good
my mom forbids me to go out so im stuck at home for a weeeeek!
im probably going to wake up at 1-2pm the whole week and slack.
life after PSLE is really boring.
after like, what, ONE day, you get bored of the com/tv?
you dont even bother to read anymore because PSLE is over!
theres no point in reading!

i think im going to change my blog URL..
dont you just love my blogskin?
theres this elegance that drew me to it.
and im loving the underline/italic!
its pretty!

Tagged yo ;D

What is your name? Gracia ((:
What is your age? 12
What are you wearing now? Mickey Mouse shirt and random pink shorts i found in my closet? XD
Any accessories on you? Nope. I hate earrings.
Do you have nail polish on you? Nope. im not vain.
Describe yourself: nothing special, just me.
Are you a girl or a boy? Girl :D
What's your favourite colour? Light purple, pink, yellow and lily white.
What school are you from? CHIJ-OLGC(not for long!)
What's your hair colour? Brownish black.
Colour of your eyes? Same as hair
What is your religion? Christian. in God we trust! :D:D
Do you think you look good? Hmm.

Last movie: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs? (it was quite stupid)
Last thing you bought: ummmm, class photos? i paid $6 !
Last game you played: Neopets?
Last time you bathed: about 2.20pm?
Last call you made: 123456789#*0. Sheryl made the call. it ended up at Starhub! then we hung up.
Last call you received: MOMMY!
Last missed call: DADDY!
Last person IMed: Laura
Last person SMS-ed: Mommy?
Last person SMS-ed you: Candice

Last message: Gracia you sleeping over at my house? (Candice)
Last message sent out: "I think so" (to Candice)
Model: Sony Eicsson T707? Its on my phone and i cant forget it!
Like your phone? Love it!
Camera functions? Yes! :D

Are you happy with life now? Yeah. PSLE IS OVER!
What is life to you? Hard to describe. im not an Adjetive kind of person.

Tag 8 friends:
NAHH. everyone who has a blog has been tagged! D:

Sunday, September 20, 2009



ahhh havent updated in 9 days! D:

okay umm PSLE listening

it was surprisingly EASY!

for english i think i can get 20/20 but for chinese i know i got 1 wrong.

but i compared answers to sheryl and she got all the same answers except 1.


well i got 84 overall for english

wait, i got the same marks for SA1 and Prelims!



okay here are my PT2 marks:



i got 77/95!! D:


well i got the same marks as Prelims.


Annemarie curse me to get 90 again for PT2 and it came true..


yay 76/100.

i got A i happy le


i got 84%!! YAY!
2nd in class! MUHAHAHAHA.

Well PSLE is in 16 days
im kinda not worried at all.
its weird.
im lazy to study
like very lazy
i dont know
its like im happy with my current marks
do i need to study?!?!
super lazy but must try harder
16 more days then can fly le.

Friday, September 11, 2009

100 truths since im super bored today.

2. Last phone call: Grandmother?
3. Last text message: Abigail
4. Last song you listened to: Homecoming- Hey Monday
5. Last time you cried: When I was stonning
6. Dated someone twice: Nope
7. Been cheated on: No! Still Young
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: no i've never been kissed?
9. Lost something special: yeah.
10. Been depressed: Yes! Countless times
11. Been drunk and threw up: unfortunately, no.
12. Purple
13. Pink
14. Blue
15. Made a new friend: YEAH! everyone from DARE.
16. Fallen out of love: No
17. Laughed until you cried: nahhhh.
18. Met someone who changed you: no but last year got.
19. Found out who your true friends were: Yes:)
20. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes...So many times
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: NO!
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: All of them:)
23. How many kids do you want to have: 2? if twins then good lor.
24. Do you have any pets: Nope. i had a dog but i gave it away,
25. Do you want to change your name: NOPE! Gracia is unique. i think.
26. What did you do for your last birthday: Celebrated with my cousin who is born 1 day before me.
27. What time did you wake up today: 1.10PM?
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching America's Next Top Model?
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: PSLE to be over and results to come out
30. Last time you saw your Mother: last night. she was gone in the morning.
31.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: My Cleft Lip.
32.What are u listening to now: I kissed a girl.
33.Have u ever met a person named Tom: Nope
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Exam & maths results
35.Most visited website: im retarded i know.
36.Whats your real name: Gracia Leong
37. Nicknames: gra-sheeeeeeee.
38. Relationship Status:Single:}
39. Zodiac :Ox
40. Male or Female?: Female
41. Elemanatery: KINDERLAND?
42. Middle School?: CHIJOLGC
43. High school/college?: I'm still in primary school
44. Hair colour: Clorine bleached brown?
45. Long or short: long but not too long.
46. Height: 157cm?
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: ew no.
48: What do you like about yourself?: i dont know.
49. Piercings: nope and never
50. Tattoos: Nope and never.
51. Righty or lefty: Righty.
52. First surgery: day after i was born. it was to repair my cleft.
53. First piercing: Never gonna pierce:)
54. First best friend: cant remember!
55. First sport you joined: im not a sporty kind of person.
56. First vacation: Australia
58. First pair of trainers: Not sure..
59. Eating: Nothing
60. Drinking: Water
61. Going to: watch tv or do chinese homework.
62. Listening to: Collide by Howie Day
63. Waiting on: the world to change.
64. Want kids?: of course
65. Get Married: duh if not how to get kids?
66. Career?: no clue
67. Lips or eyes: Eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses: HUGS.
69. Shorter or taller: Taller.
70. Older or Younger: Younger?
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Both:)
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: arms?
73. Sensitive or loud: Senisitive
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant.
76. Kissed a stranger: Nope.
77. Drank hard liquor: No.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: no i dont wear them yet.
79. Sex on first date: EWWW NO NEVER .
80. Broken someone's heart: NAH. im not so bad.
82. Been arrested: Nope.
83. Turned someone down: no.
84. Cried when someone died: yeah.
85. Fallen for a friend?: NO! not lesbian.
86. Yourself: Not really.
87. Miracles: YEAH. anything is possible with God.
88. Love at first sight: Maybe.
89. Heaven: Yes.
90. Santa Claus: When i was younger
91. Kiss on the first date: Not sure.
92. Angels: Yes!
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No and never will
95. Did you sing today?: Yes. While listening to Smile by Uncle Kracker
96. Ever cheated on somebody?:Nope never will.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? : Primary 4
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? : my birthday.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: Nope.
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: Ya!

and thats 100 truths! ((:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

hiheyhello ;

how were PTs?
Math and Englis were easy.
Science was like uhhh. i got 52/60 for section A. highest is 56. now that sucks.
Chinese was sort of maybe abit easy.
i got 46/60 for section A. i very happy le. if i get 29 more marks(duh its possible!), i can get A!!! WOOOHOO. if i got the same marks for section B as prelims(33.5) i would get 79.5 round up is 80!!!!! WOOOHOOO. *runs around*

oh yeah, i got 77/95 for prelim english. booo.
i got 81 for science prelim! . i plus 1.5 marks! yayyyy. but i neither improved nor deproved.

so now just have to wait for other results and my report book to know the verdict! :DDDDD
and the best part? i didnt even study at alllll. i was playing the whole time and my mom claimed i would fail and then she laughed.
whos laughing now? :DDDDDDDDD

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Did someone break your heart inside,you're in ruins

hows your umm, *checks date on com* Wedneday, 2 September 2009?
good? mine was okayokayokay lah
thanks to Ms Le's boringness, we only got time to go through booklet B which i got 54/65. booohooooo. that sucks.
as i predicted, i really did get 90! and Mrs Yeong wouldnt give me that 1/2 mark or 1 mark. i started cursing like ALOT then laura slapped me and told me to stop.
well its good, i improved. although the marks still suck. i got 70/90 for chinese. overall havent calculate yet. but i improved by 2marks!! YAY ME.
HALF BAKED NO MOREEEEEE. I GOT 79!! *throws confetti in the air*
actually i deproved by 1 mark BUT im still overjoyed!!

i cant wait to get my overall marks for English and Chinese. i wanna get A for chinese!! *prays hard*. i hope i improve for English since its official, I BEAT SHERYL FOR COMPO. EAT MY DUST!!! although my dust isn't that tasty. :D

Monday, August 31, 2009

MIA no longer!

after being MIA for like 3,4 months, i have decided to continue blogging! yay.. no not really.
okay ummm past few months, what has happened?
well oral came first. english i started blabbering like an idiot just talking ALOT and i got "good conversation". i talked about how crazy my baby cousin was. i said crazy like 10 times in a sentence. Chinese, ahhh. i was like freaking out and like stammering and saying uhh uhh uhh ALOT. i felt like crap after finishing the chinese oral. then like the main papers:
was okay. i think i wrote a good compo. it was full of emotions. then the main paper was easy, only for vocab i pretty much didnt know alot of words. just have to wait till wednesday then. '
quite easy. i couldn't believe that it was the IJ prelim paper for math. i found out i got 90. which is one mark from A*. get ready to start begging and pleading and probably crying. yay our Mrs Gopal girls got 3 A*s and there are only 6 of us. so if u minus me, there are 2 people who didnt get A*.. sad.
okayokay only lah. im quite confident. like my mom calls it, "half baked"

next.. PSLE oral. oh yeah.
well for chinese it was okay. passage was easy but picture was like !@#$%^&*.
was easy. the examiners were one balding old guy with weird sun spots on his arms while the other is a reallllly fat lady with a double chin. i just described alot of crap too. about my grandma got cancer then the nurse very kind and blah blah blah. then the fat girl didnt bother to look at me! okay i am being stereotype. but the old guy just went"Hmmm, good." WHATS HMMM GOOD?! i didnt really know but after oral was over i was so relieved and i ate Macdonalds. gluttony sucks.

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'm not crazy I'm just a little unwell

holidays are here!
surreal much?
i have to do all the crappy hw that people throw to me
i wish i could just go and run to J8 and watch a movie but i cant
today i woke up at 11
then i played com and played with webcammmmm
then youtube-d until 3 then went Hougang Point/Mall
aiya that bus interchange la
then cabbed to KK hospital with my grandma to bring her to clinic
then ate mcdonalds while waiting
what kind of hospital puts Mcdonalds in their campus?
its bad for ur health, its tempting and wth its next to the clinic.
then cabbed back home and played somemore
attempted to start on math hw but i after 10 mins gave up
im a slacker ya know?
and does anyone ever read my blog?
okay i have to go do something.
bye! ^__^

Monday, May 25, 2009

You can't play on broken strings.

i havent (offically!) blogged in one month and 1 day
okay here are my exam marks (offically!) (yea im obsessed with the word offically, offically i mean)
Math: (im ashamed to say i didnt really put in any effort im amazed i even got this mark)


English (overall right? yeapp !)

for the main paper i got 79/95

over all i got 83 (yay me! second again. curse u sheryl!)

Chinese(horrible one!)

overall i got 71. main i got 68/90. horrible but still a high B. *beams*

Science (biggest shocker EVER!)

I got 81!! eighty-one. I mean where did that come from?


yays right?
i hope mrs yeong writes a good remark of me.
did anyone watch american idol?
go Kris man! He is 23 and he is married!
at least his wife i pretty. like really pretty.
okay im talking too much.

Friday, April 24, 2009


What have u been doing recently ?
-um blogging more.
Do you ever turn your cell phone off ?
-only when i got no service.
What happened at 10 am today ?
-i think me and christie were panicking about doing the poem thing.
When did you last cry ?
Believe in fate/destiny ?
-of course.
What was the last movie you caught ?
-Madsgascar 2 HAHA! i've been too busy to watch movie
Does the person you like knows that you like him/her ?
-I dont think im allowed to like anyone
Who always makes you laugh ?
-christie,sheryl any spastic person?
Do you speak languages other than english ?-
-Chinese ?
What are you doing tomorrow ?
-going to church, studying oral?
What do you think you are like ?
-i think im lame.
Who will you choose to die with ?
-i dont think u can choose? unless u commit suicide?
Where have you been today ?
-school and AMK hub.
What are you doing right now ?
-watching tv i guess.
Which primary school were you from ?
What is love to u ?
-love... i havent experienced it yet sooo i dont really know..
Who do u admire th most ?
-um. i dont admire anyone.
What is ur goal this yr ?
-getting good results for PSLE and doing some other perosnal stuff.
Do you believe in eternal love ?
-of course. God's love is eternal.


Thursday, April 23, 2009


today was funny.

well santhiya didnt come to school.

today had beattitudes.

i miss it so much though i cant really remember the steps


gosh time passes so fast.

had english (3 periods!)

then had Art,

painted the beat stress thing

i love our pig.

then later recess ate prawn mee

had music.

i love singing those high songs.

then had math

mrs gopal is damn funny!!

she said like oh speaking of 15, i need to sell 15 Catholic Welfare Tickets by tomorrow!

everyone had to buy one. luckily i no money! phew

then she said "call winse! she made me loose so much time so now she owes me!" then abigail called Winse.

she just demanded winse to buy it. :O

then really she really did!


i got Ms Govenden for English and Ms Jasmine Koh for chinese.

*cries* i hate oral. its my worse thing

even im improving in zuo wen! *feels proud* from 24 to 26.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

lets start from yesterday:
21 April 2009
went to Science Centre for DNA detective.
it was soooo fun.
played with DNA, found the murderer using this $600 gel
and inserted DNA through a $500 micropipett(i remembered? :O)
and then we used this cool electirc thing to heat up the DNA. but nonono i am not going to become a forensic pathologist.
ate A TON of ruffles! like one cheese bag from Amanda Lee on the way back then one barbeque from me and one more cheese (she gave me the whole thing!) from chloe! thanks chloe!
and i bought a chocolate bar from the Curiousity gift shop and in the end i didnt even eat it.
i dropped the micropipett like 5 times it made a stupid sound then everyone turns to me.
and Sheryl the dodo brain, left her phone on then in the middle of the thing it rang damn loudly! gosh.
it was a great day all in all.
OH. and i got a bravo for The Journey thing. OH YEA! *feels proud*
had PE first period. OH YEA I GOT MY GOLD! 24 points, 1 c, 4 Bs, 1 A.
after that i went up for mrs gopal.
then Mrs yeong called us to go back to class.
i was like huh? then annemarie said that Winse's money got stolen
then of course, got a tough scolding from Mr Koh. (again!)
then (WTH?) everyone was forced out of the class while mrs yeong checked our wallet..
then me and christie were called out.
i was thinking: " YOU THINK I WOULD STEAL?!?!"
then he checked our wallets then surprise surprise made us check EVERYONE'S BAG!
including books and everything.
we searched everyone.
boy oh boy i felt like i had so much authority!
found interesting things but no money.
haha okay i searched the whole class hou, which was like 30mins of painstakingly searching through everyone's books and bags, we returned to mrs gopal to get more hw, AIYA!
then Mr Koh say he will search the CCTV camera and "last chance" but no one.
then later got science. we went com lab (yay!)
everyone was buzzing with excitement with who did it.
then after that Mr Koh called us alll back to the com lab and picked out 6 people loitering round the piano.
interogation time!
then one by one they came down and were all like phew!
then Titi said that she saw Santhiya crying outside before getting interogated.
then while i was eating Lor Mee (which rocks?) with Christie and Sheryl, we saw Mr Koh with Santhiya and Mr Poon going to the Office. busted.
but like Santhiya is so nice (well mostly!). i even sit next to her!
then later i searchedx her bag again and found Winse's notebook and Sabrina's Journal. *gasp*
i wouldnt have believed it unless i saw it myself.
christie and sabrina heard police sirens after recess. gosh.
then everytime someone opened the door, everyone will raise their heads then go back once they figure out its not Santhiya, she was missing for the whole of English,Science and during chinese Mrs yeong came and took her bag claiming she was "sick".
then after school i called my mom then me and christie talked to her and mrs yeong said that she kept the money in her bag. poor thing.
then i asked whats gonna happen? she said "dont know. must wait for Mr Koh to come back." LIKE WTH? they really went? and according to her, santhiya tomorrow coming to school.
i dont know whats gonna happen.
and congratulations if u read this far.
now got PSP to do.
bye! :B

Monday, April 20, 2009


ahhh i LOVE my new blogskin
i didnt go to school today
came back from Malaysia at like 12am?
didnt have the energy to go to school today soooooo
im here.
and oh no
i didnt bring home my PSLE book for math
ahh. and thats hw questions 1-10 i believe its MCQ so yay.
yays! *confetti falls down*
another reason why i didnt go school cause i didnt manage to finish my hw.
*gasp* yes im doing it now
and im hating science now.
i dont wanna go tuiton it sucks
and now i have another mountain of things to do which includes:
doing a test paper (full!) for math
doing another test paper for english
and tomorrow is DNA!!! YAYS?
like everyday got excursion...
i dunno what to bring.
anyone willing to help?
tidbits is all i know to bring as t0ld by sheryl
i have to stop procrastinating on doing hw so im going back.
bye! :D

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

i havent blogged in a while :O
school has been okay,
now im currently searching for a new blog skin (again!)
im so bored of this already dun u think?
im stuck with tons of blogskins.
one more thing,
OKAY! *offs capslock*
thats all i got for now.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm being taken over by the fear

i've got PSP,PSLE,My Pals,EL hw
ahhh. oh PLUS!
The Journey's due tomorrow and havent started.
okay today was like boring.
i swear like morning "remedials" are a waste of my time!
like when we have mornings, our real maths lessons are like so damn boring!
just sit around and do the hw she assigns us.
we finished Nets like 2 weeks ago and yet she doesnt want to start on Circles.
and today sabrina was like "gracia!" then i was like "yea?" "I LIKE UR BOUNCY SQUEAKY CHAIR! switch with me later okay?" i was like okay.. then when i turned around and started walking back, she said "GOD BLESS AMERICA!" and i was like HUH? weird...
and yesterday was really weird.
when i came back from Supplementry class i fell on my bed and fell asleep then i woke up at 7 and learned ting xie and did other hw then i fell asleep at 10.30 and now im still tired! im weird. :B

Thursday, April 2, 2009

ahhhh on Saturday im going to my FIRST ever Scrabble National Competition! I feel i let my team done on the S1 Cluster as i only won 1/2 of the games. and i didn't even win the game by a large margine! Sheryl the best player won by hmmm 100 points plus! and Veronica, wow I'm SUPER proud of her!! its her first time playing scrabble in a competition and i only taught her how to play like 2 days before! And she won 1/2 of the games! She even beat the Head prefect of the school! wow. well she tied but out of pure skill she won.I'm sure she can do even better at Nationals! and now my friend Christie will be joining us! she couldnt go to the Cluster as she went to Honng Kong. she is really good at Scrabble too! I'm super super super excited! I know im not going to win but its the experience im hungry for! AND for the first time in my whole life, im going to take a LONDON CAB!! with mrs fernendez, veronica,me,sheryl and christie oh yea and denise (from charity). wowowowowow. its like super expensive! the game is gonna be damn tedious! 3 games=3 hours! and its from 12-6.30! wow. im soo excited!! AHHH.

PS: im too lazy to actually type out a real post. maybe later. thats why it sounds so reflective but ya got the message.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Braces are killing me. never get them
Just hit my surgery scar against a wooden chair.
hurts like shit. never do that too.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sleepover? :)

On wednesday i went Sheryl's house to sleepover.
reached her home at 10 am to do the mountain of homework that was waiting to kill us XD
then we went Ben and Jerry. the dempsey hill one!
i ate the damn shiok Cookies and Cream cone icecream.
then we played SCRABBLE. i lost to a 9 year old by alot. pfft.
but i beat sheryl!!
oh scrabble (the real thing) is on friday. yikes!
thennnn her family and i went to labrodor (??) park then we walked around the jungle like place then played at playground. climbed ALLLL the way up to the carpark in the end.
bathed then ate dinner.
we played on her laptop (all her family members have laptops! even her 7 year old sister Tricia!)
watched the 9 o clock show very funny.
she sleeps at 10 pm on a holiday! couldnt really sleep at first but managed to doze off at 11
woke up at (can u believe it?) 8am! wow then played com somemore then had breakfast. mmmm i love eggs sunny side up !
did the rest of PSLE Math which includes 46 pages!! AHH.
we headed for Macritchie Resovior? we cycled about for awhile.
her sister Nicole had some tution so her grandad left me,sheryl and tricia alone with 3 bikes. me and sheryl wanted to go cycle but Tricia was afraid. so i tried teaching her.
then we were wobbling around. tricia isnt exactly as light as she looks!
then she screamed, "MONKEY!"
then i was like huh? then i looked in front of me and a ugly monkey was staring back at me!
in a split second tricia jumped off the bike leaving me falling and the bike landed on me then i screamed and ran to sheryl .
the monkey OPENED THE BAG, put his puny hands in it, grabbed a bun and ran up a tree.
despite all screams from me and sheryl and tricia, the monkey still managed to get it.
*sigh* luckily it was the dreaded yam bread so at least it took something we hate! :D
it was damn scary...
then her grandad came back and we cycled somemore.
sheryl did a super amazing feat!
she made this super sharp turn then BAM!
she fell down the stairs next to it!
BUT a miracle happened!
she didnt even have to get off the bike! it just hailed to a stop.
so lucky! and no one saw it!! only tricia.
my jaw dropped in awe.
we went back and played moreeee.
then at 8.50? my dad came and fetched me home.
that was the sleepover. it was so fun.
oh yea schools reopened yesterday.
*sigh* alot of people cut hairrr.
now i have to do my review 3
I HATE NETS. *yawns*

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Bday Mommy! :D

i realise people dont really read my blog now do they?
thats sad. :(
family fun day was sorta fun.
i kinda sorta overslept then when i woke up i ran out of bed and dashed to the family fun day.
PHEW! made it like 3 mins before they started.
ran like siao lor. damn tiring.
thennnn went and find christie
then walk walk lor. not exactly very fun...
then watched the singing abit.
Angela was good. heard Ardja won singing Love Story.
im sick of that song!
dancing was adorable.
i met my new found friend Berlyn and wished her luck.
she is Candice's buddy sister.
they dance damn cute!
Candice and Angela also danced really well.
then i played "Pick me up" with christie and managed to collect 25 big balls! yay!
we were in a panick mode because at first i was helpless while these p1 kids are like happily picking them up.
then bused home with christie and played com awhile.
SHE DOESNT KNOW WHAT MSN IS! or she doesnt have it
she was like "wow so thats MSN?"
*shakes head*
then i bused to J8 to give sis guitar.
went to church after that.
today is Mommy's Bday! happy bday! went to Johor Bahru to see my baby cousin Megan.
it costs $40 to take a taxi from Singapore to Malaysia.
what a rip off but anyway had fun.
tomorrow sleeping over at Sheryl's house.
hope i have fun though.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


today hmmm had some talk by Mrs Seah.
wow its like PRESSURE MUCH?
i know im in the "must get A*" part for English and Math!
im so scared for PSLE now.
my targeted T-Score=240
or more maybe.
i know its stupid to aim so high but i know i can do this (:
my aim is 2 A*s and 2As.
A for Chinese and Science.
i know i can do this! yes i can man!
but it all depends on our cohort remember T-score?
so everyone! either you all do really bad and our T-score is damn low or we do really well and our T-score is damn high! you might think im crazy for thinking so far into the future but i really care ! (:
maybe i wanna go Payar Lebar Medodist. what the heck im not a true Sigaporean i cant spell Payar.
its a good school cut off mark: 247! ahhhhh.
maybe i will appeal. or maybe not.
i can do this okay? im not allowed to doubt myself. okay this post is all about PSLE.
sorry! i turn paranoid sometimes. :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

hellllllllllllllo. im not afraid to tell my marks cause' man im happy about it!!!!!
CHINESE! *OFFS CAPSLOCK* it was baddddd 67/100 bleh
andddd today i got SCRABBLE TRAINING!!!!!! missed HE but dun really care! went and played against Da Qiao Primary School! i saw our old school now it UWCSEA (figure out urself what it means). sad la. i won this little p5 girl by 63 points. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? sheryl LOST TO A P5 WEIRDO WHO'S HALF MENTAL. muahahhaahah
im full of freakin adrenaline. BRING IT ON MAN!!!
yea well thanks for reading. :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

PTs are over! YESS!
English.. hmmmnm it was.... okay okay la. im quite confident!
Math.. AHH. it was wow damn hard i have never ever ever encountered any of the question in the paper before. dammit. but it was okay i can get like 70-90 liddat. MRS GOPAL is going to return us our papers tomorrow. yikes!
Chinese.. okay okay la. the first comphre i didnt understand what the heck it was talking about but i think i can get my 70 haha.
Science/Today.. hmm it was alright. some questions really easy and stuff i really regret not reading the activity book. stupid spins. pfft. but other then that it was fine.
im so happy we only have 4 subjects. phew! *whipes of sweat*
tomorrow im going scrabble (YAY!! i got in!!!!!!!!!!!) . excited much?
today i spent 2 hours teaching Veronica how to play scrabble! sorry veronica i caused you to skip ur I-masters.
tomorrow got friendly game. WHY WHY WHY christie must you quit scrabble :(
well im going to go eat dinner so uh bye! *waves*

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hello people !
i know tomorrow is chinese PT but i dont really care. really.
math today was uh okok la some very hard but i managed to finish all in the last 2 min?
english was pretty easy i guess im sure of getting my target.
science ! *Shivers* im so scared for it. science is never my best subject.
chinese tomorrow must work on my chinese skills!
got to go already. need to start cramming!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

hello people.
im bored and a certain someone keeps discreminating me *coughs* libby*coughs*
schools pretty good i think i got a 96 for my ting xie! *screams*
i guess math is pretty fun mrs gopal is fine...
chinese is fine too. i think im TRYING to pay attention. although im happy that the teacher always never come, i seem to be failing my zuo ye's.
english is SCRABBLE! i really really really hope i can go again. ms govinden said that every class will pick top 5 then they will see which 5 out of the 15 will go! i hope i can go ms govinden said that even though charity will top us she will fight for our spot because we went last year! i got a 81 english last year thats good right?!?! RIGHT?! i got second in class im thinking its a good shot!
science. mmmnm science is boring. i think kinetic energy,potential and blah blah is BORING!
i think i use caps lock too many times bleh.
the weeks just fly past huh? im going to copy libby write the week in summary
well it was average had 4 periods of chinese?! wth... had math supp very boring felt like sleeping...

uh i kinda forgot what happened blehh. umm had subjects blah it just flies past thennnnn had science and english supp. i swear our dustbin is a biohazard. it stinks like shit and i was forced to empty it. almost died by the stink!

uh had ting xie i was damn confident although i learned it in like 5 mins during science. i had the scrabble test and i believe ambassador is spelled like that!

Thursday A.K.A today

had FIVE periods of english it was so boring...
also had Art i believe its a waste of time!
so is music! YAWN!

hahaaaaa friday is tomorrow chinese supp wish me luck! :D

Thursday, January 29, 2009

hello earthlings.
i offically hate chinese.
like i failed my ting xie one then i got 59 for the other -.-
chinese-aint my thing!
english is so boring you have to hear ms le talk then u will see what im going through *shivers*
math is fun! got mrs gopal for my math teacher
scary much?
science is surprisingly fun.
the teacher,mrs loh, doesnt even realise me and christie are talking the whole lesson.
we dont even listen just regular nods on the head
and she puts these super cool stickers (you might think im too old for stickers but they really are nice!)
she says *ahem* quote :" good work gracia. you have been paying attention in class. keep it up."
im so excited for art! (did i just say that? wow shocker!)
i drew this carchoal thingy super nice for once im proud of my work muhahaha.
tomorrow there is chinese supplementry someone kill me.
its like 2 periods before recess, and 1.5 hours in the afternoon
which = 2.5 hours of chinese!! *faints*
enjoy my freedom while i can!!
i offically hate thursdays and fridays!
thursday=2.5 hours of english
friday=2.5 hours of chinese!
cant they just put 2.5 hours of math or science? thats WAY better
speaking of science, i need to go do my hw!
i dont know what it is probably math im calling sheryl

Saturday, January 17, 2009

im back with a new blogskin!
woohoo blog in detail later
now got church.